
Many years ago there was said to be a fallen star that manifested into what we call "modern magic". The Gods didn't mean for her slip from their grasp nor did they notice her absence. Her curiosity brought her to the land of CastleTowne on a fresh new planet in a remote galaxy. It was here she found an equally curious race where she shared the powers of mana.

The Priests and scholars were quick to learn how to harness it and apply it to known scientific equations as well as using mana to shape elements such as earth, fire, water, etc. Thus came the age of mana...

Present Day: 1289AA.

You are a young adventurer living on the outskirts of CastleTowne in a small farming community. Times are hard as there are midnight attacks from monsters occurring frequently all over the lands.

Many rumors circulate about ancient deities being upset that we are draining the mana of the earth or that were are using up all its elemental power and we are being punished.

There has been a cold wind as of late that carries the name of a long forgotten fear and to save the land from the rising threat, you'll embark across the world in epic adventure that's sure to satisfy your Role Playing needs!